ROR Research Seminar
Place: University of Agder, Kristiansand. Kristian Schjelderups hus, room E2 001B
This is the fifth research seminar within KIFO’s program Religion in the public sphere (Religion i det offentlige rom – ROR). Peter Kivisto, Richard Swanson Professor of Social Thought and Chair of Sociology at Augustana College, Illinois, will join us at this seminar. Kivisto works in the areas of immigration and ethnicity, social theory, as well as religion. He has also conducted extensive research on Finnish Americans in Finland and the United States.
Kivisto has written several books, just to mention a few: Social Theory: Roots and Branches (2008), Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited (2008), Citizenship: Discourse, Theory, and Transnational Prospects (with Thomas Faist, 2007), Multiculturalism in a Global Society (2002), and Sociology of Religion (with Kevin Christiano and William H. Swatos) (2nd ed. 2008).
We will ask all the participants to read the following chapters by Kivisto before the seminar:
2002. Multiculturalism in a Global Society. Oxford: Blackwell. Introduction, Chapter 1 and 6.
2007. Rethinking the Relationship Between Ethnicity and Religion. In The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Religion, edited by James A. Beckford and N.J. Demerath III, 490-510. London: Sage.
Wednesday September 3rd
09:30-09:45 | Welcome, practical information |
09:45-11:00 | Peter Kivisto: Immigration, religion and multiculturalism |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15-12:30 | Peter Kivisto: Immigration, religion and multiculturalism |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-15:00 | Presentation of papers: Ole Riis: Religion and multiculturalism Comments: Peter Kivisto Olav Hovdelien: Norwegian headmasters’ view on multiculturalism Comments: Peter Kivisto |
ca. 16:00 | Walking tour: «The religious landscape of Kristiansand,» guided by Pål Repstad |
19:00 | Dinner |
Thursday | September 4th |
09:30-09:45 | Welcome, practical information |
09:45-11:00 | Peter Kivisto: Religion in the civil sphere |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15-12:30 | Peter Kivisto: Religion in the civil sphere |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch |
13:30-14:15 | Presentation of papers: Ida Marie Høeg: Ritual Sponsorship – the Institution of Godparents in Baptism and Naming Cerenomies Comments: Olaf Aagedal Pål Ketil Botvar: Alternative spirituality – a new political cleavage? Comments: Olav Hovdelien |
14:15-14:30 | Coffee break |
14:30-15:10 | Information and discussion on the ROR program |
Forskere fra KIFOs samrabeidspartnere får dekket reise og opphold etter de reglene som gjelder i nettverket (se Reise1.doc) eller spør på KIFO, 23334720)
Deler av seminaret er åpent for andre forskere, men de må da selv bestille og betale reise og opphold, og felles middag.
Følgende forelesninger og programposter er åpne:
- 3. september 09:45-12:30 Peter Kivisto: Immigration, religion and multiculturalism.
- 4. september 09:45-12:30 Peter Kivisto: Religion in the civil sphere.
- 3. september 13:30-14:15 Ole Riis, paper presentasjon: «Religion and multiculturalism». Kommenteres av Kivisto. Paperet kan fås på forhånd ved henvendelse til
- 3. september 16:00 Walking tour i sentrum med temaet «The religious landscape of Kristiansand». Ansvarlig er Pål Repstad. Turen vil ta halvannen times tid. Frammøte ved Radisson SAS Hotell Caledonien.
- 3. september 19:00 Dinner
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